Gait balance assessment

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User Manual

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Balanced Gait Test provides a measure of the human gait degree of balance. It is especially suitable for monitoring rehabilitation processes and prevention of falls. It is applicable, among other specialities, in Rehabilitation, Traumatology and Neurology.

It can be used as a complement to other gait evaluation systems such as Tinetti Test or Dynamic Gait Index.

It uses a mobile phone APP that measures the accelerations that occur during walking. This link allows you to download it for free from Play Store.

It will be useful a belt bag to support the smartphone (see an example here).

How to analyze the gait

  1. Set the patient facing a rect, plain corridor with room enough for walking a minimun of 20 steps. Although the result could worsen a bit, it is allowed to that the patient to turn and walk the corridor twice.
  2. Using a bag belt, firmly fix the phone with the screen centered and vertical towards the walking direction (see photo).
  3. Explain to the patient that should walk with decision maintaining a comfortable velocity.
  4. Push button ⊕ and then Start to perform a new Test.
  5. Wait the sound to start walking (review the phone settings of sound if needed).
  6. The Test finishes with a sound after measuring the programmed number of cycles.

Experiment with the tool
Try yourself to find out in which degree your own gait is balanced. Note that, in a first but imprecise approach, you could carry the phone with your hands.

Obtain a belt bag
In order to use the instrument adequately, the smartphone must be firmly fixed on the waist using a bag belt.
Here you can find an example of comercial product (in US).

Professional use
If you are a therapist, you can register as a therapist in the Private Area. The Private Area is free and offers functions that make it easy to manage your patients’ test results.

Using Balanced Gait it is possible to follow the progress of patients remotely. The patient can perform the Test with their own telephone and upload the data to the private area of the therapist.